During the pandemic outbreak of the coronavirus, many couples were forced to cancel or postpone their wedding days. This came pretty hard since the wedding day is something that many couples plan on for years. Couples feel quite lost, not knowing what should be their next move, or should they even set a new date? These questions can get you quite anxious and depressed.
Besides well preserves your gorgeous wedding dress with a garment bag, you were asking yourselves – how to overcome depression caused by wedding postponement? Don’t worry, we have found answers for you.
Acknowledge and Accept your Feelings
First of all, let’s say this to all couples that have to postpone their weddings – it is absolutely fine to be sad about it. A wedding is a significant event in life, and many couples spend if not months then years planning it and thinking about it. So, it is okay to be even a bit more broken about it.
‘When you organize a wedding, the date itself is like an anchor for this emotional rollercoaster. With the emotional build-up, planning, and in many cases financial implications, having to then postpone and re-plan is a lot to handle.’ says psychologist Dr. Audrey Tang.
There are a lot of elements that can make you feel down and depressed. You telling guests that the wedding is off, or canceling your honeymoon. All these emotions can bring you and your partner down.
If you acknowledge and accept your feeling, you might start to feel better. Think about how lucky you are that your family is still healthy and look forward. Acknowledge that you do not have control over the coronavirus and adjust your mindset.
Search for Social Support
Many couples post about their wedding postponement on social media. They are joining online groups where other couples share their depression, anxiety, and sadness about the postponement as well. Social media is a great place to ask for support. However, be aware that you can get other opinions as well.
Talk to Someone You Trust
Talking through the depression and sadness is crucial. You should talk to someone you trust – your partner, family, or friends. Those people won’t tell you that you are over-reacting or being oversensitive. If they are important to you, they will listen and make you feel better.
These people might not fix how you feel about your wedding postponement, but they can make you think about something else. Ask them how they are, what’s new in their life and you might stop thinking about your own problems even for an hour. It will mean a lot to you and your partner.

Be Kind to Yourself
Sadness, as well as happiness, can come unexpectedly into your life. It can occur that you are sad for a few days in a row, but be kind and allow to yourself to be happy as well. If you are not feeling sad at the moment, there is no need to pretend just to show off the world. Your family and friends and most of all your partner know how you feel about your current situation.
Find a Creative Way to Relax
Even if it doesn’t seem like that, there is something positive about postponement as well. You can make plans and be creative about the things that you thought you don’t have time completing. Now, you can engage in something that will help you use your brain rather than sitting and worrying about the wedding.
Also, find other ways to distract yourself from bad thoughts. Singing, painting, even playing games, and watching movies with your partner can be helpful.

Change Your Environment
During the Covid-19 outbreak, it is almost impossible to travel worldwide, but you can still change your environment. We suggest going in the woods, somewhere far away from the city crowds.
You can also decide to turn off your phone, be inactive on social media, and talk to people about non-wedding stuff. This also helps, especially if you are all outside, still keeping social distance.
Celebrate the Day: Celebrate Your Love
Even if your real wedding day is postponed, you can still make a celebration. Psychologists recommend making a nice dinner for you and partner, make an online party on Zoom or Skype, watch your favorite movie, make popcorn and drink wine. You can plan these things together, or if you wish you can make it look like a surprise. It is always a good time to celebrate love.

Things You Shouldn’t Do
Going through your wedding postponement in such a difficult time is not easy. While pandemic is outbreaking on one side, and your personal plans are on hold you can find yourself feel worse and worse. These are the things you should try not to do.
- Don’t ease the pain you feel by taking medications by yourself.
- Don’t drink or eat too much just to ease the pain or anxiety.
- Don’t be afraid to cry – sometimes it is the best cure for everything, simply cry it out.
- Don’t hold everything inside – talk to people.
- You shouldn’t talk to people who are not compassionate about your current situation.
- Don’t think about what could be – focus on the present and not on something that sadly didn’t happen.
- Don’t hold onto regrets
Opportunity to Grow Together
Covid-19 lock-down and all your plans on hold can only make you and your partner closer. You have been through a really stressful situation, postponing the day that you have been looking forward to.
Use this time that is given to you to grow together with your partner. Engage in joint activities, go for walks, and most of all – talk. Talk about your fears, your hopes for the future, and try to get out of that depression mood together.
‘Remember that it is a day – and your relationship is far more meaningful than that,’ Dr. Tang concludes. ‘Sometimes practicing gratitude – not in comparison to anything but simply for its own sake, can help.’
Listen to each other, do things that you mutually enjoy doing, and think positively. We all expect this situation to end soon, so you can get back on planning your wedding day.
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