7 Factors to Help You Decide How Much to Spend on a Wedding Gift

Being invited to the wedding is worrying to some. The first thing that comes to your mind will be – what should I wear. Next to it would be the thought of what gift to give. Let’s start with this ultimate tip – only spend how much you can afford. When it comes to a wedding gift, the rule more expensive – the better does not apply. 

Wedding Gift

Surely, you don’t want your gift to look cheap, and you want to buy something that the couple will love and use. But the question is – how to make a balance and not spend all your savings on the wedding gift? We have prepared some tips to help you figure out how to buy a gift and how much you should spend on it without losing all your money. Let’s have a check on them one by one. 


How close am I with the couple? This is one of the first questions or reactions a guest usually asks himself/herself when he/she receives a wedding invitation. And, this could be enough to answer how much should you spend on a wedding gift. 

Best Friends, Bridesmaids, How Close are you with the couple

An average gift should cost around $100 or precisely between $50 and $75. However, if you are attending a wedding of a close friend or relative, you should definitely spend a bit more. Some say that $195 is an average for siblings and half of it for the family members.


In some countries, people are thinking about traditional etiquette when they give gifts. This etiquette states that you should spend a bit more than an actual hosting price of the reception. For instance, if the couple is spending around $100 per person at their wedding, you should spend equal or more than that amount. 

Venue – Destination Weddings

When the couple decides to have their wedding out of town or even out of the country, guests are in doubt if they should buy a gift. If the wedding is held during a peak season, as a guest, you will think about other expenses. 

These expenses include booking a hotel, paying for a flight, and taking with you extra pocket money while on a destination. It is undeniably already a big load for your budget. With these kinds of scenarios, the bride and groom are usually aware of the costs their guests are having to show up, so they aren’t expecting further gifts.

A Plus-One – Couple Costs

Many people wonder how much they should spend when they are taking a plus one. You are not obliged to buy any extra gifts if you are attending a wedding with a date or a group of friends. However, if you are close to the couple, you should double the cost – from $180 to $250.

A Plus-One - Should I Double the Wedding Gift
Dress ID: 206482

Wedding Gift Money

If you think your friends will appreciate some extra cash instead of a gift, then don’t hesitate to give them. A wedding gift money is absolutely fine! You do not need to stress yourself thinking about what to buy or even go around looking for the perfect present. The average amount you can give is $75-$150, but you can still give more if you’d want to.

Nevertheless, many couples live together before marriage, so they would surely know how to use the money you want to give them. Pack it in a beautiful envelope and give it to the newlyweds. Some of them even have a box where you can put it.

Multiple Events Gifts

Depending on the country, gifts are usually expected at bridal, engagement, and shower parties. This automatically means you will spend a lot of your household budget. However, this doesn’t mean you should spend an equal amount of money on all these events. Divide it and keep in mind you should pay less for non-wedding gifts.


Your current financial situation may be causing you to have second thoughts of attending the wedding. Either you do not have enough budget to buy your wedding guest attire or your wedding gift, or both. You are actually not obliged to give a wedding gift, but if your heart desires to give the couple a present, you can still delay.

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While it is true that giving your present on the day is better, you can still give gifts at a later time. Accordingly, you have a year from the date of the wedding to give your wedding gift to the newlyweds. But, some would say, it would be best to send your gift within 3 months after the wedding. Given the time, you can give a personalized gift to the couple.

Thoughts: Whether you are a close friend, a relative, or just an acquaintance invited to the wedding, give the couple a gift according to your heart’s content. And yes, as a general rule, buy something you can only afford. Meanwhile, you are not obligated to buy a gift if you really do not have the budget.

Some couples may take advantage of the situation, but other couples value their guest’s presence more. So, if you receive a wedding invitation, think of it in a way that your attendance is highly esteemed.

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